Business Intelligence & Innovation Hub

Business Intelligence & Innovation Hub

Innovation research within the Business Intelligence Innovation Hub is addressing the challenge to make the (regional) business and innovation ecosystem more innovative and competitive. Of special interest are small- and medium sized companies by maximizing their innovation potential. One central role is the extensive linkage of actors within business and innovation ecosystems through establishment of quadruple helix clusters/networks and the development and implementation of new participatory methods and tools to engage the stakeholders – managers and decision makers – in innovation processes. Innovation research within the Business Intelligence Innovation Hub focus on urban innovation ecosystems for companies, innovation in public procurement and smart government ecosystems as well as technological innovation for small- and medium sized companies.

Latest News & Events

As part of the Robotics Days Vorarlberg at illwerke vkw and Heron / Servus Intralogistics, Helena Hosp and Florian Maurer from the Business Informatics Research Center welcomed numerous students and alumni of the FHV. The focus was on insights into the latest developments and applications
The 6th Robotics Day Vorarlberg, organized by the Department of Business Informatics, took place on 16.10.2024. The organizing team, consisting of Dr. Florian Maurer and Helena Hosp from the FHV, welcomed interested students and alumni of the FHV at Heron / Servus Intralogistics GmbH in

Contact us

Head of Department Business Informatics

Prof. (FH) Dr.-Ing. Jens SCHUMACHER

+43 5572 792 7118

Head of Business Intelligence & Innovation

Dr. rer. pol. Florian MAURER, BA, MA

+43 5572 792 7128